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Training Schedule

Amazon Atlantic Airlines  have introduced a revised training and check ride schedule for new recruits, with initial training based at Prestwick in Scotland (EGPK). The aircraft used during initial training will depend on the FS version and pilot preference, but will be one of the Airbus A320, Boeing B737-400 or B737-800.

Pilots with proven experience will be required to take the check rides for new aircraft types only, T.R.s being granted on the basis of past flights, assuming an acceptable minimum standard.

Ab initio

New pilots without a verifiable log book will be required to fly the full set of training flights, in sequence, on ONE type only, with a minimum standard of 90%. On completion of the series the pilot will be required to complete a triangular check ride in the same type, with a minimum required standard of 95%. The pilot will be awarded a type rating (T.R.) on the aircraft used during the training and check ride, plus any variants of the base model. For example, a pilot who completes the process in the A320 will be rated on the A318, 319, 320 and 321. Boeing T.R.s are similar, however apply to the aircraft generation rather than the whole family (733/734/735 or 736/737/738)

To obtain additional T.R.s a pilot may opt to complete the check rides for that type only, without the need to fly the training flights. T.R.s not covered by specific training will be granted upon request.

Heavy Aircraft

New pilots are required to complete 15 flights on the narrow body fleet before moving to wide bodies. The training schedule for heavy aircraft is a round trip flight passing through all four of our main hubs, minimum 90%. The flight can be started from any of the hubs, using any type in the fleet, subject to aircraft availability. Once completed the pilot will fly a two leg check ride to a minimum of 95% in the aircraft type chosen. Airbus check rides are from Arlanda (ESSA) to Lima (SPIM) while Boeing/MDD checks are from Johannesburg (FAJS) to Guarulhos (SBGR). As above, additional T.R.s will be granted on completion of the relevant check ride.

High Altitude Heavy Aircraft

Although not compulsory, we recommend that pilots planning to operate wide bodies in South America fly the high altitude check ride series. There is no minimum standard required, but our more experienced captains will be happy to review your performance with you.













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